Showing posts with label PayItForward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PayItForward. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Is Drawing to a Close

Wow!  Here we are in the middle of August... 
where did the Summer go??

Is it just me or does the "Summer Vacation" time seem to slip by quicker and quicker each year?

Pretty soon, it will be back to school for many of our children and grandchildren - back to homework on the week nights, reports that take up the weekends and parent teacher conferences/report cards.

Make a great first impression on your child's new teacher with one the FiberDoodles by K4TT whimsical school themed crochet patterns! 

Adam the Apple is a sweet plushie twist on the classic 'teacher's gift'.   Apples and Teachers, seem to be as closely related to each other as the movies and popcorn!

 or, perhaps you may be thinking towards long term goals of Graduation!  Greg the Graduation Cap can happily inspire your child's class throughout the school year!

Maybe you are just looking for a helpful reminder of where to "Check In" or "Sign Up", then Peter the Pencil is ready to help guide the class in the right direction!

Of course, if you are looking for that special gift that is a bit more mature - for those higher grades...  here are some ideas for the more sophisticated palate.. 

Bao the Bookworm is all about encouraging Reading

or the Tranquil Topiary is serene enough to create zen on any teacher's desk, without needing watering! 

American based School Teachers always take pride in our Country's National Treasures.  Palmer the Bald Eagle is ready to stand proud for your child's new teacher.

Olie the Amigurumi Owlet is the classic and symbolic animal that represents intelligence and education.  Besides, what teacher doesn't love owls?!


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All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Animal Safety Post - Easter Time

Lilies decorate homes and churches at this time of the year as a symbol of purity, joy, hope and life.  The lily is mentioned frequently throughout the Bible and serves today as a beautiful reminder of the significance of the Easter season.

In Christian tradition, the Easter Lily signifies rebirth and new beginnings. 
It is said that beautiful white lilies sprang up in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus wept in the last hours before he was betrayed by Judas. Another legend claims that the white lilies grew from the repentant tears shed by Eve upon her departure from Paradise.
Christian beliefs aside, the Lily is one of the most prominent flowers at this time of year - and to your cat, one of the most deadly items in your home.

All parts of the lily are toxic to cats. Lilies are actually so poisonous, that a cat can suffer fatal kidney failure just from nibbling a leaf, licking pollen off it's fur or even drinking the water from a vase with cut lilies in it.

Please feel free to pass the message on to all cat households where this beautiful flower may be a visual announcement of the Easter Season or Spring.

You can also download (in pdf format) and print this informational poster to place on Ad boards at your local super market, florist or wherever Lilies may be sold.
Page Updated on: 22 October 2020


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All patterns are sold in good faith. Every effort has been made to ensure that all instructions are accurate and complete. FiberDoodlesbyK4TT cannot, however, be responsible for human error or variations in individual work.

All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission.

Monday, March 31, 2014

April is Animal Cruelty Prevention Month

The ASPCA sponsors Animal Cruelty Prevention Month and each year urges supporters across the country to support their efforts to fight animal cruelty. This post is dedicated to those efforts, and to animal lovers everywhere, who dedicate their time to saving animals and creating awareness of animal cruelty and dangers.

One of my favorite rescues is Cat House on the Kings where there are no cages - no jails punishing animals who've already endured the pain of feeling 'unloved and unwanted'.  
CHoTK?  What is that?  

For those who don't know the story, basically lady takes in a few strays... takes in a few more strays... and more... and more...  ... lady moves out of her own home (and into a mobile home) - gives 4200sqft house to the cats and takes in even MORE strays... lady ends up with 12 acres of land that become a CAT SANCTUARY & Haven!  (with staff to wait on their every needs)  Cats live happily every after...

video from Kim Barker on Vimeo

I think one of the reasons why CHoTK resonates with me so much, is because if I were ever to win the lottery... or come into a financial windfall, this is EXACTLY how I would spend it!  I wouldn't even think twice about it - there are so many good animals just left to die everyday... how could one not?

So what can you do to help?..
Most Importantly -  Report Animal Abuse!!
There are many more 'regular' people - people like you and I, that just 'live' in residential areas - than there are control officers.  You are more likely to witness or know of an animal being abused than an officer, waiting for a report of abuse, to come across their desk.

If you become aware of an animal being abused - please don't just walk away.  Please don't think that someone else will report it!  Most likely, that 'someone else' is thinking the same thing - telephone your local police, animal control or contact a local branch of the ASPCA in your area.

Abuse can be as obvious as fighting rings and wounded "pets".  To less obvious signs of abuse, like leaving an animal outside in the elements without shelter, food or water for extended periods of time. 

I still cry thinking of "Puppy Doe" which was not quite a year ago - this dog wasn't merely abused, but tortured and then tossed out like trash... so battered and broken, the most humane thing anyone could do for her, was to end her suffering by humanely euthanizing her.  
The photo to the left, is what Puppy Doe looked like when she was 'bought'... and on the right, how she was found 2 months later...    

Photo Credits: Boston Globe

Please report "petting zoos" and road side zoos that have injured or unhealthy looking animals.  Many of these roadside attractions are operating without licenses, without proper or adequate space for the animals in their care and too often, the animals within, are malnourished and have not had regular/routine veterinarian care.  (Farm Animals, such as goats, sheep, llamas, etc shouldn't be "dirty & matted looking" when well maintained and cared for regularly.  Cows, horses, donkeys etc.. should not have ribs showing & belly bloat - that is an indicator of either worms or starvation - or both!  Hooves should not be split, overgrown, curled or broken. Without exception, ALL animals should have an adequate and stable shelter from elements - rain, sun, wind, snow, etc and clean, fresh water available to them at all times.)

Photo Credits: Animal Rescue League of Boston

Also report instances where animal hoarding is suspected. While most hoarders genuinely love animals - sadly, and all too often, these animals overwhelm their care-takers.  The animals can become sick, are under nourished and can sometimes live in deplorable conditions.

Photo Credits: MSPCA-Angell

Now, that wasn't so bad... and didn't cost you a single penny!
So what else can you do?

Some more things, that don't cost a dime!
Blog, Post, Share on Facebook or any social networking that April is Animal Cruelty Prevention Month.  Spread the word and get others involved in preventing Animal Cruelty.  Go ORANGE and show your solidarity in the cause!
- Volunteer -- Get to know the people at your local animal care center. Show that you care!  There are always dogs that need walking. Kennels, litter boxes and cages that need cleaning and animals just looking for some affection.   Even simply visiting with the animals in local shelters and providing socialization opportunities for them, can make them "more adoptable" so they can find their furrever home... who knows, you may even fall in LOVE.

Still want to do more?
- Animal organizations are ALWAYS open to donations.  Any dollar amount from a single to .. well, whatever you'd like to donate.  It's not cheap to properly care for and house animals that have been abandoned and abused.  Many animals come to shelters needing medical procedures to correct or undo injuries from abuse.  I've never heard of a single shelter saying.. "Oh. No, we don't need any donations - thanks anyway."  

While the list of reputable animal shelters is too numerous to post here, you can do a simple Google or Bing search for local shelters in your area - many reputable shelters will be a "501(c)" Non-Profit Organization - which means that YOUR DONATIONS go to the animals, their care and the staff - not into the director's pocket book.  501c also means that your donation is tax-deductible!

- DON'T BUY - Adopt.  There are thousands of homeless dogs, cats, birds, snakes, lizards, chickens, roosters, hamsters, ferrets, pigs, horses, goats... well you get the point..  at your local shelters.  Too many animals are born for profit - sadly if these animals are not sold, they can be 'abandoned' or worse.
Open your home and your heart to an animal who is waiting for a second chance at 'the good life'.  A shelter animal isn't a "bad" animal - not by a long shot. Don't judge - open your heart and listen.

Photo Credits: Cruelty Free International
Photo: Norman Reedus of "The Walking Dead"

- Buy Cruelty Free Products! and fight against animal testing.  Cruelty to animals isn't isolated to the mean guy down the street who kicks his dog because he's barking too much.  Many large companies cruelly use animals for testing of the products that most of you can find in your home right now.  
Did you know that over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in U.S. labs every year and that 92% of experimental drugs considered safe and effective in animals, fail in human clinical trials because they are too dangerous or don’t work?  Or that hygiene products like toothpaste and cosmetics like mascara are typically tested on rabbits and guinea pigs?   Yes, not 'lab rats' like you see in the movies - tested on the animals you'd find at the local pet store or might purchase for your child.  There has to be a better way!

So what else can you do? 
It's really up to you... you are only limited in the fight against Animal Cruelty by your own imagination! The only thing that I hope you DO NOT do, is  ...  nothing...
Page Updated on: 22 October 2020


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All patterns are sold in good faith. Every effort has been made to ensure that all instructions are accurate and complete. FiberDoodlesbyK4TT cannot, however, be responsible for human error or variations in individual work.

All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Can't Eat That!!

Although I know a few kids, when I was younger, that would have had no problem diving right in and munching away on crayons ... or paste...  or pencils...
hee hee..

The school was very much surprised this morning when this arrived at their front desk.  Although the school and I have had our differences over education plans; overall, I admire the principle and the front office staff... and wanted to do something special for the first day back...
and besides,  I LOVE SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!!..
everything all new and clean and unused...

So this past weekend, while picking up the last minute needs and forgotten tidbits for my youngest's last year at her current school, we decided to make a cake instead of just sending in random supplies in a box...  as a sort of 'thank you' and farewell...

I am sure the school can put to good use all of the items contained within.. which includes:
6 Boxes of Puffs Facial Tissues (1st tier base)
10 Boxes of 24ct Crayola Crayons  (1st tier)
20 Blue Ball Point Bic Pens (1st tier)
8 Red Ball Point Bic Pens (1st tier)
2 Pks 4X6 Lined Index Cards (1st tier)
50  Eraser Caps (1st tier)
10 Bottles of Elmers Glue  (1st & 2nd tiers)
1 Styrofoam Diorama (2nd tier base)
22 Elmers Glue Sticks (2nd tier)
1 Box of White Chalk (2nd tier)
10 Solar Calculators (2nd & 3rd tiers)
3 Pack of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (3rd tier base)
6 Spiral Notepads (3rd tier)
4 Pairs Safety Scissors (3rd tier)
5 Boxes of Crayola Thin Markers (3rd tier)
5 Boxes of Crayola Fat Markers (3rd tier)
5 Boxes of Crayola Colored Pencils (3rd tier)
5 Boxes of Rose Art Colored Pencils (3rd tier)
6 12 inch rulers (3rd tier)
10 No2 Pencils  (3rd tier)
2 Purell Gel Hand Sanitizer Pumps (4th tier base)
12 Individual Kleenex Pocket Packs (1st & 4th tier)

There might be more (I forget and I didn't take photos from all angles), but you get the idea..
Back 2 School Supplies Cakes are just like the "Diaper Cakes" only with.. *drum roll please*... back to school items...

Schools love them!  Teachers love them!

The above is what was included in this particular B2S Cake to give you ideas for your own (where to start at least) - but you could be classroom specific (Science, Reading, Math, etc) , themed event (Holiday, School Party or Dance theme, etc) or just general as was done here..
things like paper towels, which was not included in this cake, facial tissues, wipes and hand sanitizers are always needed at schools for both classroom and general needs.

**Important to remember... the weight factor!!  This 'cake' weighed between 25 and 30lbs once completed.. you will want to select a platform that is able to sufficiently support your cake.  Start wide and work narrow - lifting the entire platform occasionally to ensure stability and transportability.

Apologies for the grainy photos, I took them last night without benefit of flash.. and didn't think to check the images before delivering the cake!!  
It was the first time using this particular setting on my camera.
Page Updated on: 22 October 2020


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All patterns are sold in good faith. Every effort has been made to ensure that all instructions are accurate and complete. FiberDoodlesbyK4TT cannot, however, be responsible for human error or variations in individual work.

All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

World Spay Day

World Spay Day is February 26, 2013 - hi-lighted by Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States

Well, I am no Bob Barker, but I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone to spay & neuter your pets.  There are now so many free and low cost Spay Neuter programs throughout the United States, there really is no excuse not to have your pet(s) surgically altered.  It's healthier for them and beneficial for you!

Approximate numbers of pets born each year, courtesy of Stephen Zawistowski, Executive Vice President, National Programs and Science Advisor at the ASPCA:

6,630,000 cats born in homes each year, roughly 18,165 per day (This number does NOT include feral cat births; you can increase this number by 30 to 50 percent to estimate feral cat births.)

and 6,040,000 dogs born in homes each year, roughly 16,559 per day

BUT only 4,116,000 people born per year in the US, roughly 11,277 per day.

That's 1.6 non-feral cats and 1.47 dogs per human born!!
You don't need to be a math major to see there simply aren't enough homes to continue with the current reproduction rates.

Nationwide, there are four million animals being killed in our nation's shelters every year. Animals entering the average shelter in America today only have a one in two chance of making it out alive and in some communities, only one out of 100 do.
Page Updated on: 22 October 2020


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All patterns are sold in good faith. Every effort has been made to ensure that all instructions are accurate and complete. FiberDoodlesbyK4TT cannot, however, be responsible for human error or variations in individual work.

All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Here's What You Should Have Seen...

"Thankful Thursday Final Week"  and of course, "Happy Thanksgiving"

I do not know if I clicked, when I should have selected, or if something else went wrong - but I believe all happens for a reason.  Perhaps with all the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping, my post would have been over looked that day..

But, now at least, my final Thankful Thursday honoree receives the spotlight all to herself!

I met Miek through and she quickly became a huge inspiration to my work.  Her subtle quirkiness in her work, with bold, vibrant colors; allows her personality to shine brightly in all her creations.  Although she's quiet and doesn't flaunt her doodles, she was quick to point out to me what she does with them.  

Many, in fact probably most, children will never face such a horrifying disease as cancer.  But I can tell you, from experience, those children who do; are among the bravest kids I have ever met in my life. 

The Poekie Project was started after it's founder, Saskia, found out her own child had lymphoma and would need to endure Radiation and Chemotherapy treatments. (Which I can attest to, is NO picnic - even to someone who is old enough to understand fully what is going on!)

A year later, her son is well; but she's not forgotten how much love and support children going through similar treatments need to keep their spirits up.  Named after her "cat", The Poekie Project has brought smiles to the faces of many very ill children at the Ghent University Hospital and continues to seek crafter's support to brighten the days of children facing cancer.  

What a beautiful gift to give back to a hospital and so deserving of a mention!!
Page Updated on: 22 October 2020


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All patterns are sold in good faith. Every effort has been made to ensure that all instructions are accurate and complete. FiberDoodlesbyK4TT cannot, however, be responsible for human error or variations in individual work.

All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Week II

Well, technically, it's week 3 of November, but I do not think anyone will fault me for ignoring November 1st of this year since Sandy made such a mess of things!!

Many, MANY here on the East Coast are still without power; (work just sent 7 more crews down on Saturday to help with restorations) but especially since a Nor'easter came in on Sandy's heels and just as people had finally gotten restored... boom, out goes the lights again...

FiberDoodlesbyK4TT has been able to donate this year, (thanks to wonderful clients who've purchased this month) helping many animals;  victims of this devastation. 
(Many fleeing from Sandy, evacuated their homes leaving behind their pets.  Now these animals are in shelters and being cared for by organizations like 2ndChance AnimalShelter (from MA) in hotel rooms - now, with no electricity).  
There is still a long way to go...

Another animal advocate, which I have followed for YEARS... is Sara of Crafting4Greyhounds.  This wonderful lady, residing in the UK; is a doodler... honest.  
In her collection she has several in the KISS Series, including the Elephant, Puppy and Bunny, but those are for personal - her passion is crocheting for the hounds.

Sara, in addition to fostering greyhounds, works with several charities to insure that these majestic animals are given a second chance once their 'entertainment value' is over.  
You can find her products here in her shop - Crafting 4 Greyhounds

from the United Kingdom we travel to Spain... Luziane is no stranger to the FiberDoodles by K4TT blog!  She's been featured here before for her beautiful fiber interpretations from FDbyK4TT patterns.

I believe I first met MAIu in 2011, but it wasn't until recently that I discovered her passion for helping children and animals!  Once you take a look at her Facebook page you cannot help but to be both inspired and enchanted with her creative eye and generous heart.  

Submit your shop address and a brief description of your charity for review to  FDbyK4TT will be showcasing Doodlers each Thursday, throughout the month of November.


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All patterns released from FiberDoodlesbyK4TT are protected under Federal copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, "Crochet-A-Longs" and/or eMail transmission.