I know that's what you were thinking when I blogged about my trip to Walgreen's last week.
Shaking your head in amazement and muttering "tsk, tsk. Foolish girl" under your breath so I wouldn't hear.
All the while thinking, "that could have been money spent on yarn or embellishments."
Well, before everything went so horribly wrong this week, and finding out about my Father-In-Law's Cancer; I had began 'helping out EB' by getting everything in order for Sunday.
Since this Easter arrived so quickly for me. (Which admittedly is my own fault, but it's a "month mind-set" - April = Easter/Father's B-Day, etc.)
I didn't think timely enough to place an order with Oriental Trading Company for all the little trinkets ('junk' as Mr. Doodle calls it), for EB to place inside the plastic eggs he hides around the house.
I've still got to decide if we are even going to do an "egg hunt" this year as tomorrow we will be going over the 'old man's house' for "Easter with the Family".
Which is something that neither one of us are looking forward to.
But back to
The kids' Easter Baskets..
This year, and because of their age, each are getting a basket and a half.
The Large basket that I bragged about finding at the local Salvation Army Store for only $5.00 and was supposed to be use as Daddy's Easter Basket...
Well, that was confiscated to hold the overflow of the terror's loot (this is the ½ basket.. as each side of the basket holds goodies for each child).
The Barbie Dolls, the Barbie Outfits, the hair brushes, the Princess Diary, nail polish and Pokemon, simply wouldn't fit in their smaller 'candy baskets'.
(Well, the original idea was more toys.. less candy; but it didn't quite work as planned - as you will see.)

Then of course, there were the candy baskets...
filled with all the tooth-rotting goodness that my Dentist would just love me for... (more work for him!!)

No worries, I am a tyrant when it comes to sweets... they will be rationed heavily..
for the kids anyway..
but as for Daddy...

Is it any wonder he was in the Dentist office?? lol
Oh... and confession time..
between you, me and the web-server here, so come closer so I don't have to shout...
I was stressing BIG TIME yesterday...
Do you see that second bag of Reese's' Pieces shaped like a carrot???
It ain't in his basket no more..
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