Assemble the Lovebugs!
Last Evening's First Annual Assemblage of the Lovebugs was moving along at a faster than anticipated pace and really making some headway.
The LoveBugs had brilliantly devised a resolution to childhood tears and broken spirits in all children, everywhere - with LOVE, patience and understanding through love-bites.
and that's when someone brought out the DumDums!!
A whole case of them.
We're still investigating where exactly this box came from.. and who brought it...but that's definitely when things got ..
well they got downright ugly!
Now being a LoveBug, fighting is not in their sweet nature. Their job in life is to give you a little nibble and melt your heart! But biting into that sweet sugary goodness... well, it was just a bit more euphoria than they are used to.
While it's true that the average child can handle a DumDum or two without any issue;
Lovebugs, at only 3 inches in height, ... well, 11 grams of sugar goes straight to their little bellies and they get just a little wound up.
Dizzy from sugar, these little bugs began to shout and bicker at each other and began to 'boink' each other on the noggin... not showing much love at all!

Now you've probably never been told this before and it can't be found in any book, but a LoveBug's Heart is in it's head; that's why their heads are larger than their bodies! Well, with all that boinking and bonking.. eventually, their hearts swelled so big, it quickly dissolved the remaining traces of sugar and they were able to start loving again.
That's when the LoveBugs began hatching a NEW plan... Deliver DumDums to Everyone!!
... but now there are more DumDums than there are Lovebugs!
This is where YOU come in! Make your own little Army of Lovebugs and spread the DumDums (or other stick'd pop) among the little ones around you this Valentine's Day!

The LoveBug
Materials :
Red Heart® Classic® WW 4-Ply Yarn in Color of Choice
Size E4/3.50 Crochet Hook (US)
Filling for Plushies (fiberfil or similar)
6mm Black Plastic Beads for Eyes
DumDum Lollipops (or similar product)
Yarn Needle for Sewing
*Special Notation(s):
- This pattern is worked in continuous rounds unless otherwise noted. Stuff your piece as you work as there are NO “stuff here” indicators present within the pattern instructions.
- Only the Head/Body of this project are stuffed with filling; all other sections remain unstuffed.
- Eyes are placed at approximately Rnd 8 and spaced 4 sts apart on Head - however, you may wish to place them upon completion based on your crocheting techniques and personal preferences.
Head/Body (Make 1):
with color of choice,
___ Rnd 1: Using either the [ch 2, begin work in 2nd st from hook] or [magic circle] method to begin project, 6 sc in st (6 sts)
___ Rnd 2: [Inc in nxt st] 6 times (12 sts)
___ Rnd 3: [sc in nxt st, Inc in nxt st] 6 times (18 sts)
___ Rnd 4: [sc in ea of nxt 2 sts, Inc in nxt st] 6 times (24 sts)
___ Rnd 5: [sc in ea of nxt 3 sts, Inc in nxt st] 6 times (30 sts)
___ Rnds 6-10: sc in ea st around (30 sts/ea rnd)
___ Rnd 11: [(Dec nxt 2 sts tog) 5 times, sc in ea of nxt 5 sts] twice (20 sts)
___ Rnd 12: (Dec nxt 2 sts tog) 10 times (10 sts)
___ Rnd 13: [(Dec nxt 2 sts tog) twice, sc in nxt st] twice (6 sts)
___ Rnd 14: [Inc in nxt st] 6 times (12 sts)
___ Rnd 15: [sc in nxt st, Inc in nxt st] 6 times (18 sts)
___ Rnd 16: [sc in ea of nxt 5 sts, Inc in nxt st] 3 times (21 sts)
___ Rnds 17-19: sc in ea st around (21 sts/ea rnd)
___ Rnd 20: [sc in ea of nxt 5 sts, Dec nxt 2 sts tog] 3 times (18 sts)
___ Rnd 21: (Dec nxt 2 sts tog) 9 times (9 sts)
Finish off, leaving sufficient tail remaining to weave through the front loops of Rnd 21 to close opening so that no stuffing can escape.
Arm (Make 2) :
with color of choice,
Chain 6, hdc 5 times in 2nd ch from hook, carefully remove hook from last st made, temporarily dropping your loop, and insert your hook into first hdc made, grab loop and pull through as you would if making a slst, ch-1, slst in ea of the 4 remaining chains of beg ch-6.
Finish off leaving sufficient tail remaining to secure Arm to side of Body.
Slide DumDum (or similar stick'd candy) through small hole in hand area of Arm!
Foot (Make 2) :
with color of choice,
___ Rnd 1: Using either the [ch 2, begin work in 2nd st from hook] or [magic circle] method to begin project, 6 sc in st (6 sts)
___ Rnd 2: [sc in nxt st, Inc in nxt st] 3 times (9 sts)
___ Rnd 3: sc in ea of nxt 4 sts, Inc in nxt st, sc in ea of nxt 4 sts (10 sts)
___ Rnd 4: sc in ea st around (10 sts)
___ Rnd 5: [sc in ea of nxt 3 sts, Dec nxt 2 sts tog] twice (8 sts)
___ Rnd 6/ROW: Squeeze front and back pieces flat together - working through both thicknesses (4 lps total) sc across, closing the opening for a count of 4 sc. (If you lose a stitch and only can make 3 sc across, this is fine also - just make sure that the opening is stitched closed.)
Finish off, leaving sufficient tail remaining to secure Foot to bottom of Body.Page Updated on: 23 October 2020
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